13 February 2015

This page collect the trouble shooting on toolchain.

GCC Toolchains

There are several gcc toolchain releases, including (suppose little endian, softfloat)

Vendor Machine Word Bare Metal Linux Userspace Link
Linaro 32 arm-none-eabi- arm-linux-gnueabi- http://releases.linaro.org/latest/components/toolchain/binaries
Android 32 arm-eabi- arm-linux-androideabi- https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/

Note 1: Bare Metal toolchain is for some tools without libc, say bootloader, firmware.

Note 2: for Linaro's toolchain, if the code isn't written in good way, it would get problem.

Wrong Way:

void foo(void)
    uint8_t data8[32] = {0};    /* won't enforce data8[] to start as machine word
                     * aligned, so it may start as 0x00001003 */
    uint32_t *p32 = (void *)data8;  /* error: can't do in this way, it may get data
                     * abort due to alignment issue */
    *p32 = 10;          /* warning: this may get data abort!!!
                     * happens on linaro bare-metal toolchain */

Right Way:

void foo(void)
    uint32_t data32[8] = {0};   /* declear it as 32-bit types */
    uint32_t *p32 = data32;
    *p32 = 10;

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